a mutant moon’s sordid prying,
behind murky moist blinds,
bared ruptured penances .
bated breath dithered the flames,
with the sibilant coil's touch;
as lights went off brazen longings.
along the vacant lanes,
silhouetted ruins
of sinuous desires loitered,
near the pane, with parted
red tulips drenched in luscious dew
gnawing at dormant dreams.
dark, amorous facades
unfastened ,unleashing
whiffs of wistful vapors
burning, voluptuousness.
eldritch light deflected off
carnal shadows.
then the blue moon’s prudery
obscured itself into a starless sky,
to become an eclipsed mind.
“These people abstain, it is true: but the bitch Sensuality glares enviously out of all they do”.

5 Reply to "Nocturnal Omissions"
Jane Doe on September 28, 2009 at 7:04 AM
Oh, this is sublime! Absolutely wonderful!
These lines,
'a mutant moon’s sordid prying,
behind murky moist blinds,
bared ruptured penances'
and these,
'of sinuous desires loitered,
near the pane, with parted
red tulips drenched in luscious dew
gnawing at dormant dreams'
are phenomenal!
Vita Stunder on September 28, 2009 at 7:50 AM
You really deliever when it comes to poetry!
Like a real artist.
'To become an eclipsed mind'..
I love the world you show us, continue to write.
You rock!!
Have a great week!
gautami tripathy on September 28, 2009 at 8:29 AM
Wonderfully penned..
a single thought
Linda Jacobs on September 28, 2009 at 2:40 PM
Love the "blue moon's prudery"! Well done!
Srikumaran Menon on October 3, 2009 at 12:02 AM
An avalanche of poetic excellence. You should be a professional writer of poetry......Cheers!!! Sri
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